So the thread about the Magic Wand ( got me thinking. If you get a new improved version of a toy what do you do with the old one? I'm very much of the mind that you have containers for things and once those containers are full you must remove something you no longer want or use to make room for anything new. Most often I give away or donate items to avoid throwing them out, but sex toys? I can't really see giving a friend or neighbor my old magic wand so I can get the new rechargeable version. So I started looking into sex toy recycling. It turns out that there is a small market on craigslist and facebook marketplace for used sex toys (not too sure about that!) There seems to be only 1 company that recycles toys in the US that I could find.
I think we need to be seeing more sustainable products and more ways to recycle unwanted or damaged toys in the future. Maybe this is a start!

Sex Toy Recycling for Vibrators: How to Recycle your Vibrator - ScarletGirl
Did your Bullet lose its firepower? Cleaning out the ol’ toy box after a breakup? Is a broken Jackrabbit just taking up space in your...