I know everyone is different and our bodies and hormones change throughout our lives but was wondering if anyone wanted to weigh in on how they feel about hormonal birth control. I currently have a Mirena IUD which I've had for just over 4 years. I've been having various ailments for the last 2.5 years and I'm starting to wonder if my Mirena may be the cause. I spoke with my doctor and she told me that my issues were not documented side effects of the Mirena and because I was one of the lucky ones to have my period stop with it that I should not think about taking it out. I have to admit not having a period for almost 4 years has been great (but is that REALLY the best thing for my body?) and not having to worry about pregnancy is fantastic.
But overall I just haven't felt like myself, my testosterone and dopamine are low and my cortisol is high. I gain weight really easy and have a really hard time losing weight, I'm consistently up 20lbs from my previous easily maintained weight set point (my doctor said its just because I'm older now so I need to work out more and eat less even though I work out 6 days a week including strength training and running, walk 4 miles a day and eat a predominantly whole food and plant focused diet.) My fingers are swollen, I can no longer wear my wedding ring. I wake up in the morning feeling like I didn't sleep, my energy is low, and I just move slower. My mind is foggy and I find myself forgetting things more often. My moods are all over the place and I just often feel sad or angry without understanding why. I'm easily overwhelmed and don't deal well with stress. Now admittedly I've always been a bit of an anxious person and clearly 2020 didn't help with that, but it feels so much more consistent that it ever was before the Mirena. I have issues with my neck, pressure behind my eyes and sporadic pain that often wakes me up at night. Sporadic and random chest pain (had a whole cardiology workup and nothing was found) All of these things could have other causes but they all started within a short time of each other after I'd had the Mirena. Am I crazy? Is my Mirena making me sick? I know that no one can answer that question for me but I'd love to hear some other experiences. I have listened to podcasts on the topic and while many of my symptoms are talked about I haven't heard mention of sustained weigh gain, swelling, chest pain or neck issues.
Anyone out there have Mirena (or any other birth control) success stories or horror stories they want to share? Do you use a non hormonal method that you can recommend?
I think I'm going to push to have my Mirena removed, see how I feel and just chart my cycle.
But overall I just haven't felt like myself, my testosterone and dopamine are low and my cortisol is high. I gain weight really easy and have a really hard time losing weight, I'm consistently up 20lbs from my previous easily maintained weight set point (my doctor said its just because I'm older now so I need to work out more and eat less even though I work out 6 days a week including strength training and running, walk 4 miles a day and eat a predominantly whole food and plant focused diet.) My fingers are swollen, I can no longer wear my wedding ring. I wake up in the morning feeling like I didn't sleep, my energy is low, and I just move slower. My mind is foggy and I find myself forgetting things more often. My moods are all over the place and I just often feel sad or angry without understanding why. I'm easily overwhelmed and don't deal well with stress. Now admittedly I've always been a bit of an anxious person and clearly 2020 didn't help with that, but it feels so much more consistent that it ever was before the Mirena. I have issues with my neck, pressure behind my eyes and sporadic pain that often wakes me up at night. Sporadic and random chest pain (had a whole cardiology workup and nothing was found) All of these things could have other causes but they all started within a short time of each other after I'd had the Mirena. Am I crazy? Is my Mirena making me sick? I know that no one can answer that question for me but I'd love to hear some other experiences. I have listened to podcasts on the topic and while many of my symptoms are talked about I haven't heard mention of sustained weigh gain, swelling, chest pain or neck issues.
Anyone out there have Mirena (or any other birth control) success stories or horror stories they want to share? Do you use a non hormonal method that you can recommend?
I think I'm going to push to have my Mirena removed, see how I feel and just chart my cycle.