I've made a sheet that goes into detail explaining the level of functionality for 15+ different Cam Sites and over 60+ different toys from 7 different brands

This includes:
- Comparing different apps. Feelconnect, NeocamX & the Lovense Cam Extension for different toy brands
- The level of functionality each brand has with each Cam Site. If this is just toy control links or if the toys are tip activated
- Methods for combining toys from different brands and generating control links for toys that work across multiple brands
- Reviews of 69 toys (nice) compared from up to 9 different sources

Link: toy.nsfwsites.info

Google Docs Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gcB0KUq7Uyy2jE2CQ9_hcNLAAa4m8c_CN8ZSrMO51LE/edit?rm=minimal#gid=1159767504

Image Previews

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 04.36.50.png

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 01.53.46.png
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